#288: Dreyer’s unwanted credits

The main title for 'Ordet'. (Carl Th. Dreyer, 1955). Framegrab.
13.12.2024 | Casper Tybjerg discusses Dreyer’s opposition to film credits and some of the theoretical issues raised by the use of paratexts.

#288: Dreyer’s unwanted credits

Denmark’s most celebrated auteur, Carl Th. Dreyer, was firmly opposed to the use of film credits. He believed they got in the way of the audience’s immersion in the story. In this issue of Kosmorama, Casper Tybjerg discusses Dreyer’s claim and some of the theoretical issues raised by the use of paratexts – titles, credits, posters, stills and trailers, those elements that are not quite part of the film itself.

See also our new theme on Dreyer on Danish Silent Film

Learn more about Dreyer at carlthdreyer.dk/en

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